Cheltenham Baptist Church
Worship Sunday at 10:30
Welcome to the Family
About Cheltenham Baptist Church
Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ,
We are now hosting Indoor Services every Sunday at 10:30AM
We are looking forward to worshiping together. Please contact one of our deacons (Kelly, Danielle, Sarai, Brian) Pastor Dave or Pastor Sam, if you have any questions.
God Bless You!
Pastor Dave, Pastor Sam, Kelly, Danielle, Sarai, Brian
Sunday Service is online and can be found at:
Here you will find all sermons ordered from newest to oldest. If you experience any difficulty with accessing the sermons, then please contact one of the Pastors or Deacons.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Dave Bechard
Contact your Pastors and Deacons for prayers, concerns and questions:
Pastor Dave Bechard, Head Pastor: 905-965-2116
Pastor Sam Macri, Teaching Pastor: 416-315-5769
Kelly, Head Deacon: Cell 647-549-3353
Danielle, Deacon: Cell 647-404-6205
Brian, Deacon: Cell 647-667-4063
Sarai, Deacon: Cell 647-687-3907
Need Prayer? Contact our Prayer Chain Coordinator: Audrey Zettel 905-838-2566